Tame the effects of foot and ankle breakdown
Foot and ankle pathology is on the rise. Fusions increased from 8.2 to 20.2 cases per 100,000 people between 1994 and 2006*.
Movement keeps the human body healthy. But how can we stay active when musculoskeletal breakdown of the foot and ankle increases pain and compensation of pathomechanics?
Whether the foot and ankle pathology is acute, chronic, post-operative, or non-operative, SubioMed will make the gait more natural with less pain and compensation. This isn’t a traditional shoe insert.
It’s a literal life changer.
* Best MJ, Buller LT, Miranda A. National Trends in Foot and Ankle Arthrodesis: 17-Year Analysis of the National Survey of Ambulatory Surgery and National Hospital Discharge Survey. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2015 Nov-Dec;54(6):1037-41.
Dynamic Energy Management
SubioMed features carbon-fiber engineering designed to use Ground Reaction Force during sagittal and frontal plane motion of stance phase. In other words, it just changed the recovery and prognosis game for good.
During each rocker of stance phase, segmental springs capture and manage kinetic energy, then sequentially delivery it to the next phase. Energy management and improved biomechanics through the entire gait cycle.
Consistent results
In-shoe sensing, visual gait analysis, and clinical observations confirm patients move better with SubioMed.*
Patient-reported Gait
- Less pain, fewer symptoms
- More natural movement, better comfort
- Longer average ambulation
- Better symmetry, reduced compensation
Gait Cycle
- Longer stride, slower cadence, reduced double support time
Range of Motion
- Increased ankle, decreased metatarsal parabola dorsiflexion ROM
Limb Symmetry
- Less ipsilateral guarding
- Less contralateral compensation
Rehab and Recovery
- Accelerated
* Data on file.